Stratford4Weddings - Bride Banner
Looking Good
A wedding is an ideal opportunity for everyone to look good and to dress for the occasion.
Health & Beauty
We take a look at fashion, health and beauty for all.


From clothes and fashion for the bride to colour co-ordination schemes for make-up and hair, for the bridal attendants, best man ushers and of course the bridegroom.  


For the immediate family of the bride and groom and for all the guests.


Then let's not forget the honeymoon couple and all those bare necessities for an unforgettable honeymoon, be it Barbados or Blackpool !  


When you've purchased the dress it's off to the hairdresser to discuss styles to complement the neckline of your wedding dress.  


Then on to the beauty salon to discuss style and colour. Should you choose the seasons latest colours or go for the pale and interesting look?